Microwave and digital imaging technology reduce turnaround times for diagnostic electron microscopy. |
Giberson RT, Austin RL, Charlesworth J, Adamson G, Herrera GA.
Ted Pella, Inc., Redding, California 96003, USA. rick.giberson@tedpella.com
The contributions of microwave methods and digital imaging techniques, when taken together, can reduce routine specimen processing and evaluation for diagnostic electron microscopy to a time frame never thought possible. Significant improvements in both technologies over the last 5 years led the authors to evaluate their combined attributes as the most likely candidate to provide a realistic solution in the reduction of turnaround times for diagnostic electron microscopy. For diagnostic electron microscopy to compete favorably with immunohistochemistry and other ancillary diagnostic techniques, it must improve its turnaround time. To evaluate this hypothesis the microwave-assisted processing results of over 2,000 diagnostic cases were evaluated as was a digital image administration system used for the acquisition and dissemination of diagnostic results. The incorporation of both technologies resulted in turnaround times being reduced to 4 h or less.
Publication Types:
PMID: 12775508 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |
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